
The Dragon's Back Race, May 2019

The Dragon’s Back Race, May 2019 The legendary Dragon's Back Race follows the mountainous spine of Wales from North to South, covering 195 miles and having over 50,000 feet of total ascent. It is the toughest 5 day mountain running race in the world .... Struggling along in the dark with a very painful ankle I had just badly twisted, willing the miles to go by as easily as the dark hedges slipped past into the night behind me, I wondered how long this injury would take to repair and how it might affect my immediate running future. This was my challenge, my hill to climb, me own personal battle. No, not the rugged trackless mountains of Wales but the pavements of central England. It was late December, five months before my A-race for 2019, and I had just turned my stupid ankle on flat tarmac.  F ortunately I am not prone to injuries but this ankle sprain put me out for the best part of two months, meant I did not start the Fan Dance ultra in the Brecon Bea